MY FRIEND SCOTT CHAPMANBy Alex Dyer Scott Chapman is an amazing human. When I first met Scott I noticed that apart from being an extraordinary skateboarder, he also possessed a cutting wit and a cynical outlook on life that I hadn't experienced before. He could be your best friend (he was mine) or your worst enemy (as he was to most people). Scott taught me what was cool. Skating in Nike basketball boots, riding fast motorbikes, always having the freshest gear - Scott was ahead of the curve on everything. On top of the skating, there was his personal life, I won't delve too deep into this, as it is, well, personal, but I am sure he will not mind me telling the story about when a young friend of ours, Rufus, visited Scott's house in Wokingham, England, before a skate session. After dodging the hilarious family exploits downstairs and being propositioned by Scott's mum, Rufus escaped to the safety of Scott's room where he was greeted with the chance to watch the latest Plan B video. After a few minutes of excellent skating, the VHS tape fizzled into something completely different. Had he accidentally recorded over it with the latest episode of Saved By the Bell? Nope, it was a home made porn video featuring none other than Dr. Chapman (he wasn't actually a registered GP) himself and his latest conquest, a young lady named Squirrel. The 15 year old Rufus couldn't get out of the house soon enough. Back to skateboarding though, like many amazing skaters, Scott was strange. Good strange, but definitely strange. Whilst out on skate trips, Scott had more fun talking shit than making new friends, which made for the some of the funnest times of my life. Meeting new skaters was always the same, regardless of whether they were just starting or pro, Scott's hilarious but cynical outlook on life meant that some loud mockery was never far away. Although never malicious and aways purely for the purposes of humour, this banter of course ended up ostracising us from any new skate cliques. If it wasn't for his polarising personality, Scott would easily have been sponsored, as he was that far ahead of almost everyone in England at the time. On many occasions we would turn up at a famous London spot and he would do something totally insane to witness, even for me who knew how good he was. For example the time he rolled into SouthBank fresh off of an hour long train journey and without so much as an ollie for warm up - banged out the most amazing high and caught fakie flip down the Seven. An entrance that could easily go down in Penny folklore, but was an everyday occurrence for Scott. His switch frontside flip down the 6 Beige in Milton Keynes should not be forgotten either. You see, as well being super technical on flatground and ledges, Scott had no problems jumping down huge stuff. Anything. No regard for his body whatsoever, and all with an amazing and unique style. That crazy lack of fear probably came from riding motorbikes at over 150mph at a young age. Fearless, hilarious, talented and cool. That is the Scott that I remember. Like all legends that I meet in my life, Scott's amazing character traits and ridiculous life stories will be etched in my mind forever. Although I haven't seen Scott in nearly twenty years, I think about him all the time. Recently (after years and years of trying) I finally tracked him down via my cousin's friend and an Instagram post. I am super stoked to have Scott back in my life. Whilst not much footage exists of Scott (we were too busy throwing cups of piss out of the window of Dame's car to film that much) or has since been lost in the vortex of time, I edited together a few remaining scraps that I found for your viewing pleasure below. Scott, my friend, my brother, my inspiration. This is for you. I love you, man. Alex Dyer P.s see you soon you cunt xox
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